
Hello everyone!  I’m Bekah Brown, wife to Nathaniel, mom to Aaron, and the face behind most of the pictures you see around here.  (If the pic looks exceptionally nice, my husband took that one!)  I’m passionate about cooking delicious, affordable, healthy meals for my family.  I decided to start this blog to encourage people who were like me when I first started cooking… I had no idea how to cook anything without a VERY detailed recipe.  These days, experimenting in the kitchen is my favorite thing to do after my toddler goes to sleep, and I want to bring the *best* of those experiments to all of you!

A few more of my favorite things:  a great audio book while I’m doing all those dishes, breakfast dates with my husband, watching reruns of “Worst Cooks” on Hulu, hazelnut coffee, and then, when I’m too busy to finish my hazelnut coffee, turning it into a sugar-free frappe!

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